Most common is the more traditional wedding service which follows standard practices. Nondenominational religious weddings have fewer traditional expectations. Traditional prayers and religious hymns can be included, and incorporate specific customs and observances in the ceremony. Handfasting is another form of commitment that many find meaningful. A wide variety of traditions may be incorporated into these weddings, including those from Earth-based spiritualties.
Elopement is generally refers to a ceremony conducted in a more intimate fashion, usually away from the couple’s place of residence with the intention of getting married. There are any number of reasons a couple may elect to elope, but whatever the reason, it is wise to review the Elopements tab on this site to understand the basics. Please click the Elopements tab for more information.
Handfasting is another form of commitment that many find meaningful. These can take the form of a wedding (legal) or a commitment ceremony (between two people). Handfasting can be incorporated into a wedding as well.
Some Advice About Working with an Officiant …